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Stone 3 Carats


1 bid 15 hours left AN
2 Carats


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Natural Topaz


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Oval Shape 2 Carats


0 bids 15 hours left AN
VVS 5 Carats Stone


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Green Stone 2 Carats


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Natural Citrine 11,85 Carats


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Champagne Stone Moissanite Marquise


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Natural Amethyst


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Stone 3 Carats Moissanite


0 bids 15 hours left AN
Stone 1 Carats Moissanite


1 bid 16 hours left AN
Natural Sapphire Yellow


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Natural Ruby 10,23 Carats


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Marquise Cut Moissanite


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Blue Sapphire Stone


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Stone 9 Carats VVS Stone


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Stone Blue Green 5 Carats


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Pear Shape Stone Moissanite


0 bids 16 hours left AN
Oval Shape Stone Moissanite


1 bid 16 hours left AN
Stone 30 Carats Moissanite 19,5mm


0 bids 16 hours left AN
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With the convenience of online bidding and local pickup, plus bids starting at just $1 and no reserve, finding unique jewelry has never been easier. Shop now and elevate your jewelry collection today!

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