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Big And Small Carpet


0 bids 3 minutes left

Port Washington, NY

5x8' Hand Tufted Area Rug 100 Wool


0 bids 8 minutes left

Port Washington, NY

Lot 15-Rug. 10 Ft By 7 1/2 Ft.


1 bid 20 hours left

Wallingford, VT

Ikea Vindum Shag Area Rug


1 bid 22 hours left
Rutherford 1 Beige Area Rug


2 bids 22 hours left
Vintage Wool Rug


0 bids 22 hours left
Vintage Wool Rug.


11 bids 22 hours left
Surya Palazzo Machine Woven Area Rug


5 bids 22 hours left
Ikea Vollerslev Shag Area Rug


0 bids 22 hours left
Ikea Adum Area Rug


3 bids 23 hours left
2 Small Area Rugs - (S)


1 bid 1 day left

Loveland, CO

Clean Machine Astroturf Mats 2 Pack 18' X 24'


0 bids 1 day left

Southington, CT

Large Hand Knotted Wool Kafka Area Rug - 12' X 8' 10'  (144' X 106')


16 bids 1 day left
Hand Knotted Wool Bokhara Runner Rug    7'6' X 2'6'


5 bids 1 day left
Hamedan Hand Knotted Wool Area Rug  7'2' X 3'7'


5 bids 1 day left
Oriental Style Area Rug From ABC Carpet


1 bid 1 day left
Vintage Turkish Bergama Hand Woven Area Rug -  4'3' X 2'7'


3 bids 1 day left
Vintage Wool Hand Knotted Area Rug  48' X 30'


5 bids 1 day left
Pottery Barn Natural Seagrass Fiber Rug With Maroon Fabric Border  6x4


1 bid 1 day left
Oriental Wool Handknotted Area Rug From ABC Carpets - 12 X 8


3 bids 1 day left
Buying Guides & Tips
Design Tips Home Decor
Guest Curation: Unveiling the Treasure Troves with Bambi Costanzo
Design Tips Home Decor
Thrifted Elegance: Exploring Curated Treasures with Virginia Chamlee
Buying Rugs & Carpets on AuctionNinja

Explore the fusion of style and savings in our exclusive rugs & carpet selection. Elevate your space with our diverse array of area rugs, from timeless Persian masterpieces to contemporary tapestries, each adding a touch of luxury and character to any room. While our offerings span the spectrum from antique to modern, not all treasures here are relics of the past. Discover modern choices alongside vintage gems, ensuring there's something to suit every taste and décor preference. Bid now and transform your space with us.

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