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40 Documents From The Freedom Train Reprinted In 1963.


2 bids 3 days left
ALBA & REYES Flamenc Dance 1969


0 bids 7 days left AN
1960's Judson Poets' Theater (Flyer) Mailer, The Mid-Kingdom Of Lions


0 bids 7 days left AN
Seamus Murphy Dance Company Program, (c.1960's) NYU


0 bids 7 days left AN
Pamela Chait, Matthew Nash, Lynn Warhoftig, Judson Memorial Church, (c.1960's)


0 bids 7 days left AN
Anita Loos, Judy Henske, Fredana Productions, (c.1960's), GOGO Loves You


0 bids 7 days left AN
Charles Ludlam, The Ridiculous Theatrical Company (c.1960's) Program. The Grand Tarot


0 bids 7 days left AN
Katherine Litz, Gems De Lappe, Judson Poets' Theater, Three Women, Charles Ives


0 bids 7 days left AN
Recital C.1960's Donna Owen, Margaret Singer, Eugenie Dengel


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Yuriko, 1963, Kaufmann Concert Hall, Bertram Ross


0 bids 7 days left AN
James Cunningham And Dancers. Lions And Roaring Tigers, C.1960's


0 bids 7 days left AN
Lindsay Kemp, Ron Link, Alan Eichler Theatre Of The Damned Production, Turquoise Pantomime, C. 1960s


0 bids 7 days left AN
Provincetown Playhouse Program, C.1960s. I Dreamt I Dwelt In Bloomingdale's


0 bids 7 days left AN
Al Carmines Director, Paul Goodman, Katherine Litz, Paul Goodman, 1963


0 bids 7 days left AN
Judson Dance Theater, 1963 Program Joseph Schlichter, Rudy Perez, Deborah Hay


0 bids 7 days left AN
Beverly Bach (Cassell) Judson Gallery, Judson Theater, NYC 1950-60's


0 bids 7 days left AN
Judson Dance Theater, 1970, Program 'JOB' William Dunas, Gary Harris


0 bids 7 days left AN
New York University, 1970 'Dance 70' Pearl Lang, Choreographer


0 bids 7 days left AN
Al Carmines & Alice Playten In Concert Mar. 1970 Mailer (Flyer)


0 bids 7 days left AN
Dark Of The Moon, Mercer-Shaw Theatre, 1960's Program


0 bids 7 days left AN
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